
What is the Pharm-Ed e-learning platform?

Our e-learning platform aims to provide resources to support the development of hospital pharmacy activities and the progressive and continuous improvement of the responsible use of medicines in hospitals.

The course package will provide you with the specific knowledge to cope with the complexity of tasks related to the supply and efficient, safe and rational management of medicines in health care institutions.

The main objectives of this educational platform are:

  1. To help people understand the specificity and challenges of hospital pharmacy
  2. To improve knowledge in specific areas such as the drug cycle management, manufacturing, risk management, rational use of medicines, organisation and management of a hospital pharmacy.
  3. To provide practical and didactic tools to facilitate the implementation of good hospital pharmacy practice.
  4. Provide models of good practice procedures for hospital pharmacy


What are its main characteristics ?

Which kind of programmes are available?

The courses are divided into 2 programmes depending on the previous training, the time available or the work environment.

All courses can be taken independently and can be tailored to your interests and needs. At the end of each course, after passing the final test, you will receive a  certificate of completion.

General Training in Hospital Pharmacy
The objective of this program is to provide a comprehensive education on the general activities of a hospital pharmacy. It aims to cover the main tasks of a hospital pharmacy with emphasis on the quality and safety of services. To learn more
Specific training in Hospital Pharmacy
The objective of this programme is to provide courses on specific or particular topics in the different areas of hospital pharmacy, in comparison to the general programme which provides knowledge on general themes. to learn more


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