Evaluation and feedback of the lesson “ABHR formulation and production”

Lesson evaluation

  • very unsatisfiedunsatisfiedsatisfiedvery satisfiedno opinion
    Clarity of the concepts
    Quality of the content
    Amount and relevance of the resources and tools presented
    Usefulness of the lesson regarding your practice
    Please, choose for each item your level of appreciation
  • very unsatisfiedunsatisfiedsatisfiedvery satisfiedno opinion
    comfort and ease of navigation in the lesson
    Design and aesthetic of the lesson
    Interactivity (quizz, animations)
    Please, select for each item your level of appreciation
  • strongly disagreedisagreeagreestrongly agreeno opinion
    The lesson corresponded to your expectations
  • too lowappropriatetoo high
    Level of difficulty of the concepts presented
    Level of difficulty of the assessment
  • 12345678910