Comment investiguer l'utilisation des antibimicrobiens dans un hôpital

Filename invest_AM_use_in_hospital_WHOen.pdf
Filesize 1 006 KB
Version 2012
Date added 26 mars 2014
Downloaded 544 times
Category Assurance qualité et gestion des risques, Lutte contre la résistance aux animicrobiens, Promotion de l'usage rationnel des médicaments
Tags antibiotiques, antimicrobiens, indicateurs, résistance, usage rationnel, utilisation rationnelle


Developed by MSH, the purpose of this manual is to define a limited number of indicators that will objectively describe the management and use of antimicrobials in hospitals, and to provide tools and step-by-step instructions for designing and carrying out an assessment of antibiotics use and management in hospitals.

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