Hand hygiene is the most effective measure to prevent the spread of germs and reduce health care-associated infections. Its implementation in health care facilities is a key component of patient safety that requires a multimodal approach. This hand hygiene module present the WHO strategy and recommendations.
Learning objectivesheadline]
At the end of this module, you will be able to :
- Describe the importance of hand hygiene for patient safety
- Participate in the promotion of hand hygiene in your facility
- Apply the 5 moments for hand disinfection
- Implement local production of alcohol-based hand solution
Pharmacist Pharm-Ed project manager
- Béatrice MATTHEY-KHOUITI , pharmaceutical operator, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland
- Dr Loséni BENGALY, Chief-Pharmacist Hôpital Gabriel Touré, Bamako, Mali
- Prof. Pascal BONNABRY, Chief-Pharmacist University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland
- Prof. Didier PITTET, Head of Infection Control and WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety, University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland
- Marie-Noëlle CHRAITI, nurse specialized in infection prevention and control, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland
Here you find the main resources for this module.
Guidelines and recommendations
- WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: a Summary
- A Guide to the Implementation of the WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy
- Guide to Local Production: WHO-recommended Handrub Formulations
- Alcohol-based Handrub Planning and Costing Tool
- Soap/Handrub Consumption Survey
Practical tools
- Tools related to production
- Production sheet (ABHR WHO formulation 1)
- production sheet WHO ABHR formulation 2 WHO (available soon)
- Commented slideshow of production steps
- Production report for ABHR WHO-formulation 1
- Production report for WHO ABHR formulation 2 (available soon)
- Component amounts based on initial alcohol concentration
- ABHR production operator training form
- ABHR bottles recycling and cleaning procedure
- Compliance and release from quarantine sheet
- Quarantine signaling sheet
- Checklist of equipment contained in WHO ABHR production and quality control kits for specialized health facilities
- Checklist of equipment contained in WHO ABHR production and quality control kits for non specialized health facilities
- Tools related to quality control
- Alcohol concentration measurement procedure
- Logbook alcohol concentration measurement
- Procedure of hydrogen peroxyde dosage by titration (specialised centres)
- Logbook hydrogen peroxyde titration
- Analytical reports for ABHR (alcoholmeter + titration)
- Hydrogen peroxyde semi-quantitative dosage procedure
- Logbook hydrogen peroxyde semi-quantitative dosage
- Analytical Report of the ABHR solution (alcoholmeter + semi-quantitative dosage)
Trainer's guide (only available in French)
- Guide du formateur pour la production locale de solution hydro-alcoolique
- Annexe 3: Polycopié - Promotion de la production locale de SHA
- Annexe 4: Polycopié- Usage de la SHA
- Annexe 5: Polycopié- Bonnes Pratiques de Fabrication
- Annexe 6: Polycopié- Formulation de l’OMS et Principes de la production locale
- Annexe 7: Polycopié - Principes du Contrôle de Qualité et Préparation des réactifs de contrôle
- Annexes 8-20: voir dans les outils pratiques ci-dessus
- Annexe 22: Pré/post tests
- Annexe 23: Évaluation de la formation
Course Content